How you can help
There are several ways you can help us get more nutritious food to community members who need it most, moving us closer to the goal of no one going hungry.
First, you can help spread the word about our farm and mission. Tell your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. Visit our facebook page, "like" it if you like it, and share it with your facebook friends. If you're on twitter, tweet, if you're a yodeler, yodel... however you get the word around, it will be a big help. Thanks!
Second, you can volunteer. We can always use help on the farm, help with fundraising, help with events, and more. There are opportunities for you to take initiative within the project (how about planting and taking charge of a new strawberry patch, for example? - or come up with a new fundraising idea?) if you'd like to become a more integral part of the mission. Volunteering is an opportunity to help us produce more food to donate, and also an opportunity to learn and to teach. Share your skills and gain more! If you're interested in volunteering, please contact us. Thanks!
Third, you can bring your friends, family, or group (school group, homeschoolers, club, etc) to the farm for a tour. A farm tour is a fun way to see firsthand what we're up to, learn more about our mission, and learn about raising chickens, vegetables, and fruits. If you are in need of help with your food supply, you can take some farm fresh food with you when you leave. Whoever you are, we'd be happy to have you visit. Please contact us to plan a time.
Fourth, you can donate surplus produce of your own. Morningsong Community Service Farm serves as a Neighborhood Food Hub for the east Danby area. If you sometimes have more vegetables or other produce than you can use, from your own garden, your CSA share, or wherever, you can drop off your surplus once a week at our Neighborhood Food Hub (or another near you) and it will be delivered to the Danby Food Pantry or otherwise distributed by Friendship Donations Network. The weekly drop-off day for our hub is Wednesdays, 8 AM – 8 PM, beginning July 18 and running through October 10, 2018. Look for the Neighborhood Food Hub sign and a large cooler at the corner of Hornbrook and Marsh Roads in Danby. Thank you!
And finally, along with supporting Morningsong Community Service Farm, you can seek out other ways to learn more about the problems of poverty and hunger and dedicate yourself to being part of the solution. Several organizations doing vital work have been mentioned on this site. Below is a list of these, along with a few more (click on any of the names to go to their web site). We hope you will be inspired to support these organizations, get involved, and come up with your own ideas for how to make a difference!
Friendship Donations Network
Loaves and Fishes
Healthy Food For All
GreenStar Community Projects (see also Hot Potato Press)
Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming
The Youth Farm Project
Love Knows No Bounds
Ithaca Children's Garden
Your caring, involvement, and vital support make a big difference, helping to ensure that every person in our community has enough fresh, nutritious food to eat every day. Thank you!
Sungold tomatoes and garlic